Product Packaging and Decoration (4)

Section 5 Product Sales Packaging and Decoration

Packaging and decorating refers to the decoration and beautification of the product sales package. Make the packaging shape, frame, pattern, color, text, texture, brand and other elements of the brand constitute an art as a whole, play a role in the transmission of product information, product characteristics, promotional goods, beautify the goods, promote sales and facilitate consumption. Sales packaging and decoration are advertisements that can be seen everywhere in the market. They are tools that directly transfer information to existing markets and potential markets. They are powerful weapons for improving the competitiveness of commodities and are typical ways to promote marketing. The effect of a successful sales package on enhancing sales and increasing sales price is undoubtedly enormous.

First, the basic requirements for packaging and decoration design

(1) The interior design should emphasize the interior products and the theme is clear. Packaging and decoration should be centered on the contents of products, and the main purpose is to concisely and accurately convey information related to the quality characteristics of products, functions and functions, and the use of safekeeping methods. The pattern should be concise and eye-catching, the colors should be bright and pleasing, the text description should be smooth, clear, easy to understand, the materials should be properly selected, and the styling should be beautiful and practical.

(b) The decoration design must be unique and unconventional. In the trademark, pattern design, color application and overall modeling and other aspects to strive for novelty, peculiar, beautiful, with a unique personality known.

(3) The interior design must be beautiful and implied. The overall design effect, in addition to necessary expressiveness, should be able to cleverly use the combination of graphs, texts, shapes, and colors to give consumers various hints, trigger associations, and induce consumption.

(4) Decoration design should pay attention to the study of cultural backgrounds in different regions and different ethnic groups. The use of patterns and colors in packaging and decorating design must pay attention to following the cultural backgrounds of customs, ethics, etc. in different regions, different nationalities, and different countries, and try their best to avoid taboos.

(5) Decoration design should pay attention to the combination of beautification and practicality. No matter how to beautify and decorate, it should not be forgotten that decoration design should be convenient for consumption, and it should be conducive to practical purposes such as promotion.

(6) Decoration design should pay attention to the harmonization of various parts. Successful sales packaging and decorating should be the perfect unity in terms of materials, shapes, texts, drawings, and colors, creating an emotional opposition that can't be rejected because of the unstoppable artistic impact, enabling consumers to accept and accept under their infection. Built-in products.

Second, the basic content of interior design

The basic content of modeling design, pattern design, text design and color design.

(a) design

The shape must first be practical, secondarily beautiful, and the third must be rich in change. Sales packages are generally stacked, hanging, transparent, windowed, portable, easy-open, multiplexed, and gifted. You can also attach ribbons, rosettes, etc. to the exterior and interior of the packaging container to highlight and enhance the artistic effects of the packaging. It should be noted that the simplification principle is particularly important for packaging styling, which is determined by the practicality of mass production and packaging. First, the complex shapes are not suitable for mass production, are not in accordance with the principle of economical economy, and are not easy to use; secondly, they are also related to the aesthetic tastes of modern people. The simple and sleek shape is easy to be perceived, and the natural, smooth and creative shapes are modern people. Favored.

(B) Patterning

Photographs, paintings, decorative patterns, and reliefs on the front of the packaging and decorating are all referred to as patterns on the packaging screen. The physical objects displayed in the transparent packaging and window packaging are also part of the decoration screen. Pattern design often uses a variety of artistic techniques, such as decorative painting, Chinese painting, oil painting, watercolor painting,
Cartoon drawings, sketches, calligraphy, seal cutting, paper cutting, sculpture, photography, etc., and the use of a variety of artistic skills, so that artistic themes can be fully played and created.

(III) Text Design

Text design is an important part of the decorative surface design. Its main role is to promote goods, introduce goods, and play a decorative role in the picture. The concept and design of the text should be based on the characteristics of the goods and the characteristics of the sales, try to be both beautiful and meaningful, the language should be simple and concise, the use of words should be rigorous, the text and the translation should be accurate, the font style and the decoration should be unified and coordinated, and reasonable layout. Trademarks and brand names are the soul of the decorating picture. They must be designed on the main part of the picture; the name of the article can be placed in a secondary position; other information texts, explanatory texts, and advertisement texts should be rationally manipulated according to the primary and secondary times. At present, many countries in the country of sale require the use of two or more sets of texts for the packaging of goods. Therefore, according to the characteristics and requirements of different countries, the texts should be selected rationally, and the importance of calligraphy layout, size of characters, selection of typefaces, and closeness of density should be taken seriously. Conceive, make correct choices.

(four) color design

Color is the first artistic language for decorating images, and it is a visual guide for consumers to buy goods. Color can convey a variety of information, express rich meanings, evoke people's beautiful imagination, and thus bring a direct impact on the sale of goods. The color design must obey the theme of the screen, and it should be expressed according to the nature and characteristics of the product, especially the use of the true colors, popular colors, and custom colors.

Each country and region has its favorite traditional color, which is the basic color. The feelings and preferences of people in different countries are often affected by geographical conditions, religious beliefs, national traditions, political factors, and lifestyle.

Popular colors are the colors with a certain tendency that are accepted and loved by the general public in a certain period of time. The emergence of popular colors is the inevitable result of the demands of human freshness. Its development has a certain regularity. The pursuit of fashion colors reflects the desire of people to change, conform to the trend, improve themselves, and pursue the spiritual state. It is a feature of modern human life. The decorating color design should seize the opportunity to capture popular information and design colors with popular styles and times.

Customary colors are the colors that different commodities have long been accustomed to and that consumers are accustomed to accept. For example, use warm colors to emphasize the delicious nutrition of food; use cool colors to emphasize the robustness of mechanical products. Customary colors have deep-rooted impressions in the minds of consumers. The selection of customary colors can sometimes result in similarities between products, and similarities are not conducive to sales. Therefore, choosing colors should not only be good at absorbing tradition but also at being good at innovation.

Source: Hunan Vocational and Technical College