Japan's recycling regulations take effect

Has recovered 8.55 million sets of waste electrical appliances. The Ministry of Environment, Economics, Trade and Industry of Japan recently announced that since its promulgation of laws on the recycling of four types of electrical appliances on April 1 last year, the country has collected 8.55 million sets of used electrical appliances. The four kinds of waste electrical appliances are televisions, air conditioners, refrigerators and washing machines.
In July last year, Japan collected more than 1.2 million waste electrical appliances because of the booming sales of new air conditioners. Statistics from the above two provinces indicate that the number of such appliances recovered in August and December last year reached 870,000 units respectively.
The Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry estimate that the number of old electrical appliances to be recycled throughout the year will be around 16 million units.
The Ministry of Environment pointed out that although there have been no reports of major obstacles to the recycling of electrical appliances in the months of implementation of this law, the illegal dumping and dumping of such appliances has indeed increased.
This law stipulates that the electrical appliance manufacturer is responsible for the demolition and recycling of discarded parts and materials, and the consumer should pay the corresponding fees and deliver the used electric appliances to the manufacturer.

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